Blog by Piotr Banaszkiewicz

AMY update #5

AMY v0.7 was released today. You’ll find list of changes below.

This release contains surprisingly few changes, and the development seemed slowed a little, but that’s not a bad thing: Greg’s moving to Europe with his family and I’m going from time to time on 2-day trips (Wrocław tomorrow)

Bug fixes

This time I start with bug fixes.

  • Check if event’s starting date is earlier than it’s ending date.
  • Ensure event’s administrative fee and event’s attendance are both non-negative numbers.

Theme problem

This release was themed “fixing host/site/organizer representation in the database”, and I claim success!

The change was rather significant and required me confirming ideas with Software-Carpentry administrators and Steering Committee.

Rename “Site” to “Host”
Previously event’s host was incorrectly named “site” (ie. location).
Rename “organizer” to “administrator”
Event.organizer field was mostly unused and no-one knew it’s real purpose. By changing it to “administrator” we now have a place for our administrators to mark events they’re working on.
Filter by administrators on the “All Events” page
We can filter by Host, we can now also by administrator.
More location fields for Event
Workshops that have a public website (most of our workshops does) contain standardized location data we didn’t previously collect. This was required by some other features.
contact field for Event
Additional field we didn’t collect in the past.

New features

Faster testing
I switched the Travis-CI server to use fast Linux Containers. Testing time dropped from 1.5min to 45s.
Enhanced filtering
It’s possible to select multiple countries and preferable gender on “Find Instructors” page.
Lookup instructors closest to the event’s location
From event’s details page administrators can quickly go to “Find Instructors” and search by latitude/longitude.
“Update from URL” functionality
This works in a similar way to “Import from URL” from v0.6.

Plans for v0.8

Greg wants v0.8 to store demands for Instructor Training in AMY.