Blog by Piotr Banaszkiewicz

AMY release v1.0

That was a looong ride, but we’re finally here! AMY is mature enough to be given the v1.0 tag.

This will be a joined release notes to multiple releases:

  • v0.9.1
  • v0.9.2
  • v0.9.5
  • v0.9.6
  • v0.9.7
  • and v1.0.0


  • Greg Wilson has worked on the “problems” page: switched its layout to 3-column, added better email messages, etc.
  • He also extended our API to return airport’s country.


  • I hot-fixed an issue with creating M2M with intermediary model in model forms (basically impossible, we have to do this manually).


  • This release adds workshop request forms and profile update request form to AMY.


  • I hot-fixed a bug with settings: we should load more email settings from environmental variables in order to use emails from Django.


  • I added a new country: ‘Online’ (for international / online events, like some Instructor Trainings).
  • The dashboard was changed to show not only upcoming, but also ongoing workshops (in the same column).
  • Greg added some helper commands to report inconsistencies in PDF certificates for instructors.
  • He also removed old command used for checking AMY’s database against SWC site’s archive. Site has moved to use AMY’s API, so the archive was gone and the command was made redundant.
  • I updated script (used for checking workshop settings correctness) from workshop-template repository.
  • Greg cleared up titles of forms introduced in v0.9.5.
  • I split these forms’ templates and added SWC and DC logos to them.


Bug fixes

  • Bulk-uploaded CSVs with entries that contained empty rows (for example: ,,,,,,) were treated as correct, but not anymore.
  • “Artificial” country European Union had been removed and was brought back since some hosts were using it.
  • API now returns website URLs to events instead of original URLs.

New features

  • We have a new database for development use (I need to switch to fixtures some day…).
  • I changed the way AMY handles event URLs:
    • admins cannot use GitHub repository URL for event’s URL
    • migration was used to change all URLs to website-URL format (if possible)
    • I also fixed import/update from URL feature to auto-select country if possible
    • …and to auto-use correct website URL instead of repository URL.
  • AMY auto-counts event attendees if provided with a list of attendees (for example via bulk-upload).
  • External links now open in new tabs.
  • Now there are more options to Event.invoice (for example with reason for lack of invoice).
  • New remove awards functionality.

Next release

I asked our admins what they want to see next in AMY and I received very nice feedback. You can see all requests in v1.1 tag on GitHub. It’s scheduled for the end of October (but you can expect some delays :) ).