Blog by Piotr Banaszkiewicz

AMY update #6

After another two weeks, AMY v0.8 was released today.

The list of changes for this release is really small.

Bug fixes

  • Some workshops that didn’t provide a list of instructors or helpers were erroring out during Import from URL. That was fixed in a v0.7.1 in between release.
  • Some of location fields (address or venue) and contact field were too short for some events. Their length was bumped to 255 chars.


This release was focused on integrating main Software-Carpentry website and AMY.

On the AMY side, I implemented a basic REST API (read-only).

Changes to the website are still WIP: this is a big project and I still don’t get “the whole image” clearly, so the development is slower.

Plans for v0.9

Nothing for now, except triaged issues.